Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Newly Elected Officers, Coaches and Sponsors for 2009 Season


PRESIDENT: Mike Hancock
VP: Brian Scott
VP: Christy Isbell
SECRETARY: Lendy Hancock
TREASURER: Rena Putman

FIREPLUG: Michael Reeder
WEE WEE: Danny Murphree
PEE WEE: Don Miller


FIREPLUG: Jamie Crumpton
WEE WEE: Belinda Calvert
PEE WEE: Heather Buchanan

Thursday, January 1, 2009



Article I – Purposes
Section 1
A) To inspire youth to practice ideals of sportsmanship, scholarship and physical fitness as reflected through the guidance of each coach/sponsor.

B) To bring area youth close together through the means of common interest.

C) To encourage adults to behave in an exemplary manner when supervising youth and to keep the welfare of youth first and foremost entirely free of adult lust for power and glory.

D) To acquaint our youth with the fundamentals of football and good physical fitness.

E) To inspire our youth to attain good fellowship, respect for teachers and coaches, and the ability to take contact without complaint.

F) To inspire our youth to better their community through their action, on and off the field, and to develop skills that will benefit the varsity football program in our high schools.

Article II – Age Groups
Section 1
Fireplug participants must be in the first or second grade and may not be 9 years old before September 1st. If a team falls below 22 players, kindergarten students may be eligible for play with approval of the county executive board & the discretion of each individual association.

Wee-wee participants must be in third or fourth grade and may not be 11 years old before September 1st.

Pee-wee participants must be in the fifth or sixth grade and may not be 13 years old before September 1st.

Mascots must be below fireplug age.

Section 2
You must play in the grade you are in unless you are over the age limit, if you exceed the age limit you must play up.

Article III- Registration and Eligibility
Section 1
A) An official roster consisting of player names, jersey numbers and date of birth, along with a copy of their birth certificate and county form will be turned in to the county association no later than the Sunday before the first game. The county deadline for player registration is on the Sunday before the first game. NO PLAYER MAY BE ADDED AFTER THIS DATE UNLESS TEAM FALLS UNDER 16 PLAYERS. If a team falls under 16 players, the president of that association may add a player only if brought before the county board and voted on.

B) Individual associations may have an earlier cut off date for their registration than the cut off set by the Cullman County Youth Football Association.

C) Any child wishing to participate in the Cullman County Youth Football Association must play/cheer/twirl for the school they attend with the exception of feeder schools and city schools. (See below) No child will be allowed to change teams unless they change schools. There will be no one time moves. ALL CHILDREN PARTICIPATING IN THE CCYFA IN THE PREVIOUS SEASON WILL STAY WITH THEIR SAME TEAMS.

D) Any child that lives in the city limits and attends East or West Elementary, Cullman Primary, Sacred Heart , or St.Pauls Lutheran School must plat for Bearcats or Cyclones. Onnce that child signs up with a team he may not change teams for the remaining youth eligibility. You may not sit out a year in order to change teams.

E) Any child that does not live in Cullman County or that does not attend a Cullman county school and wishes to participate in the CCYFA must be approved by the executive board, in which they will assign the participant to a team.

F) NO PASS- NO PLAY RULE: If participant failed the previous year they will not be eligible to participate in the CCYFA until they are promoted to the next grade.

G) Feeder schools will play for the following:
Cold Springs-Harmony
Cullman Bearcats-East or West Elem, Sacred Heart, St. Paul’s
Cullman Cyclones-East or West Elem, Sacred Heart, St. Paul’s
Good Hope-Harmony
Hanceville-Welti, Garden City
Holly Pond-Welti
Vinemont-Vinemont Christian Academy
West Point-Harmony

Article IV- Release Forms
A) All associations are required to provide a release form containing a HOLD HARMLESS clause signed and dated by the parent or legal guardian of each child participating in the CCYFA.

B) All associations must provide a CCYFA participant registration form signed and dated by the parent or legal guardian and the association president and turned in with rosters.

Article V- Insurance
A) All associations are required to carry accident insurance coverage designed for sport teams, cheerleaders, majorettes and volunteers. No youth football event, other than sign-ups may take place unless the proper insurance is in effect. Proof of insurance is to be turned in to the County executive board by predetermined date.

Article VI – Admission to Games
Section 1
A) Admission will be $3.00 per person with children 6 and under admitted free.

B) All association football players, cheerleaders, and majorettes participating in the games will be admitted free.

C) All County officers will be admitted free.

D) Each association will be allowed 35 people per game free. This includes officers, coaches, assistant coaches, sponsors, and co-sponsors. A list of these people and their title must be turned in to the County executive board, and said people are to wear their association shirts to all events. If an association has over 35 to admit free then that association is responsible for paying the gate for the extras.

Section 2
A) No coolers or outside food will be allowed into games.

Article VII – Emergency Personnel
Section 1
A) Each association is responsible for having adequate emergency personnel at their home games. These must be at least EMT certified.

B) Emergency personnel must be visible and on the sideline during each game with the proper equipment.

C) The home team President is responsible for informing visiting team President of emergency personnel location.

D) A fine of $500.00 will be placed on any team not providing adequate emergency personnel.

E) Any child injured that is required to go to the hospital must be transported by their parents/legal guardian or an ambulance. Once a child leaves due to injury he may not return to play in the same game.

Section 2
A) All association Presidents are required to have a uniformed policeman present and visually seen at their home games.

B) Association Presidents are responsible for making sure their policeman are walking the stadium and not just standing at the gate or only on the home side.

C) The home President is to make the uniform police officer aware that the visiting President and any County officer have the same authority as the home President.

Article VIII – Game Times
Section 1
A) Fireplug games will begin at 4:30 followed by the Wee-wee and Pee-wee games, with a 15 minute break between games.

B) Game times may be changed due to weather. If inclement weather is in the area the county officers will make the determination by 12:00 pm if the games will be played or not. If no determination is made by then it will be up to the individual association president. We will do our best to have these determinations on the website by 12 noon.


Article IX – Cullman County Association
Section 1

A) The CCYFA executive board will consist of a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. These will be two year positions.

B) Any CCYFA board member must be a current or former president of an association in the CCYFA.

C) In the event that an executive board member resigns their position, the remaining executive board members will appoint someone to this position.

D) The executive board members may add new positions as they feel needed.

Section 2
A) All board of directors meeting will be closed unless specified by the county president and prior notice is given to the county board. Association officers may attend the meetings with their presidents but they may not vote or voice their opinions unless in proxy for their president. A maximum of one president and one other officer per association may attend the county meetings. Association officers are to include: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Association presidents are responsible for turning in a complete list of all their officers to include names and phone numbers.

B) If any association representative misses 2 meeting, unexcused, they will be fined $200.00 to come from their association. The fine will be due at the next scheduled meeting. A $500.00 fine will be due for each additional meeting missed that is unexcused.

Article X – Practice
Section 1
A) Practice is defined as a gathering of players, without minimum number, in the presence of at least one coach, where one or more of the following activities take place:

1) Chalk talk/skull session
2) Viewing of fundamentals films
3) Group conditioning
4) Individual skills sessions (QB, receiving, blocking, etc…)
5) Group skills sessions
6) Dummies and other inanimate contact
7) Play run through without pads (shorts & t-shirts)
8) Play run through with equipment, but without contact
9) Intra-squad scrimmages with full pads and equipment

B) Practice for players will begin July 30th, with the first day in shorts and helmets. Practice on July 31st will be full pads. Cheerleaders and majorettes may have a one week camp during the summer and practice will begin on July 30th.. Associations that fail to comply with these rules will be ineligible to compete in the cheer/twirl off.

C) Practice will be 3 days a week until after the season starts and then it will be 2 days a week, not to include Wednesday or Friday unless the Varsity teams play on a different night. A list of what practice days, times, and place will be turned in to the county executive board before practice begins. This includes cheerleaders and majorettes.

D) All 3 teams in each association will practice at the same place and at the same times unless approved by a county officer. Presidents are responsible for turning in practice times and locations to the county executive board.

E) No football team or cheer/twirl squad may film another team/squad practices.

F) No coach may visit another teams practice or send someone to visit another teams practice.

G) A controlled 2 hour practice game may be scheduled in place of a regular practice time.

H) Any team not complying with these rules for practice will face a disciplinary action with immediate dismissal of the guilty coach for the remainder of the season and a $1,000.00 fine to be paid by the association.
This team will also be ineligible for any play-off games.

I) There is to be no practice of any kind under any dangerous inclement weather. It is up to the president of each association to call practice in these situations.

Section 2
A) Players are allowed to participate in a closed skills camp sponsored by the youth associations. Limited to one camp per association each season.

Article XI – Officials
Section 1
A) Officials will be provided by CCYFA to be paid by the home association.

B) There will be 3 officials when possible per game on the field and 1 EOC operator.

C) Any member of an association or fan who assaults a game official shall be immediately barred from any youth football events for a one year period, starting from the date when the assault occurred.

Article XII – Equipment
Section 1
A) A helmet that is NOC SAE inspected with a warning label.

B) Shoulder pads, thigh pads, hip pads and tail pad.

C) Cleats – No metal should be visible on any player’s cleats, the coach and assistant coaches are responsible to keep check on wear and tear that may cause injury. If such happens during a game the player must come off the field to change cleats. If there is any metal cleats used, the association will be fined $1,000.00 to be due two weeks from the infraction and paid to the county board, these coaches will be suspended from the game immediately.

D) Teeth protection – a regulation mouth piece is to be worn in practice as well as in all games. The mouth piece must not be altered and must be attached to the helmet at all times. If a player is found to not have regulation mouth piece and/or it is not attached to their helmet there will be an equipment violation and guilty player(s) will be removed from the game until his regulation mouthpiece is in proper use.

E) TDJ leather or composite footballs will be used for the Pee-wee games. A K-2 football will be used for Fireplug and Wee-wee games. A Nike football equivalent to the size of above footballs may be used.

F) The penalty for not following these rules during a game is a 15 yard step-off against the violating team. After a team has been given two 15 yard penalties for failure to comply with the rules, the head coach will be ejected from the game.

G) All equipment required for games is as required for practice. In case of failure to comply with above rules, high school rules will be followed.

H) All uniform colors must remain the same. Any planned color changes will be voted on by ccyfa presidents.
Fairview=White jersey + Gold pants
Cyclones=Vegas Gold with black lettering jersey + Vegas Gold pants
Bearcats=Black jersey + Vegas Gold pants
Vinemont=Red/blue jersey + Gray pants
Holly Pond=Green jersey + Green pants
Hanceville=Purple/White jersey + Purple pants
Cold Springs=Gold jersey + Blue pants
Good Hope=White jersey + Red pants
West Point=Maroon jersey + Maroon pants
Parkside=Black & red jersey + Black pants

Article XIII – Filming of the Game
Section 1
A) Only the two teams involved in the game may film the game. One camera per visiting team. The visiting team will have access to power provided by the home team if a power source is available. You may not film another team’s game during the regular season if you are not participating in that game. If you are found guilty of filming a game or having a game filmed that your respective team is not playing in, you will be subject to the following punishment. Permanent dismissal from any affiliation with the CCYFA for the first offense with a fine of $1000.00, to be paid to the county board immediately by the guilty parties association. The guilty parties association will be placed on probation for ONE FULL YEAR. If the same association is found guilty of a second offense during the probationary period, their association will be banned from participation with the CCYFA.

B) You may film another team’s game during playoffs from a spot to be determined by the county executive board. During play offs please make arrangements with the county President or Vice President for the location of filming.

Article XIV – Playing Field
Section 1
A) A regulation football field will be used.

B) The ball will be placed on the 35 yard line at the start of the game and at the start of the second half, as well as after touch downs for the Fireplug and Wee-wee games.

C) The home team is responsible for having water on the fields prior to warm-ups of each game.

Article XV – Playing Rules
Section 1
A) Quarters will be 8 minutes for all games and all teams.

B) Rest periods between halves will be 15 minutes.

C) A warm-up will be accomplished at least three minutes prior to the start of the second half.

D) There will be a 15 minute period between each game.

E) Rest periods between quarters and time outs are 2 minutes.

F) There are 3 time outs allowed per half.

G) Heat breaks will be 2 minutes and are at the home Presidents discretion.

H) The inter-collegiate free substitution rule is used on all substitutions.

I) There will be a 25 yard step off for a deferred punt in all games. However, the ball is to be placed on the 20 yard line. There will be no kicking of any kind in any game.

J) There will be NO HOT CLOCKS in any youth football games.

K) No tie games are allowed. If a tie occurs there will be an overtime period. If both coaches agree to quit, then both teams will be considered a loss. If they cannot agree, the team who does not want to continue with the overtime will forfeit the game or continue to play.

L) If a player has participated at each practice before the game on Saturday, then that child will play at least 6 plays in the ball game. Violations to this rule could result in a $100.00 fine for first violation. The second violation would result in a $200.00 fine, suspension of the head coach for one game and affected child will start in the next game and will play one full quarter. A third violation will result in a $500.00 fine, suspension of the head coach for one year and affected child will play all of the next game.
All violations must be documented and brought before the county board.

M) The home team is responsible for having a chain-gang available and ready at the start of each game. All people responsible for chains must be at least 14 years old. To include one responsible adult over the age of 16.

N) No player may play up, (i.e. from Pee-Wee to Junior high or Wee-wee to Pee-Wee, etc… and then move back down). Once a participant has played a game with one team he would be considered ineligible to play with the younger team again.

O) Any manager, coach, sponsor, officer, or association member or spectator who conducts himself in an ungentlemanly or unsportsmanlike like manner that will reflect badly on and/or discredit the Cullman County Youth Football Association while in attendance at youth football event shall be removed from the premises. The association presidents have the authority to take steps necessary to have them removed, which include having the law officer assist in this matter. Any coach, sponsor, manager, officer of any association that is ejected for profanity will be brought before the county board and dealt with appropriately.

P) If any physical violence occurs, the person will be removed and suspended until further notice depending on the outcome of the situation to be determined by the County board.

Q) No player, coach, manager, sponsor, or spectator at any youth football game shall heckle, abuse, or make any uncomplimentary remarks to any player, coach, officer, or game officials. Any individual violating this rule will be removed from the stands and further disciplinary action may be taken by the County board.

R) Only the coaching staff is allowed on the sidelines with the players during the games. Coaching staff may include but not exceed the following: three coaches, two water boys, and an equipment manager for 30 players and under. (Water boys can be adults.) For every additional 10 players a team may add 1 coach.

S) Fans are not allowed to stand along the fence during the games. Fans must remain in the bleacher area.

T) Any time a team is up by 32 points, the winning team should make every effort to replace starting players with reserves. There will be NO PASSING and NO TRICK PLAYS. The teams are still required to complete the mandatory 6 play rules. Failure to comply with this rule will result in an investigation with a possible disciplinary action for the head coach.

U) NO HOMECOMING ACTIVITIES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING/BETWEEN GAMES. All homecoming activities for the day must be completed prior to the start of the fireplug game.

Article XVI – Code of Conduct
A) Each participant who signs up to participate with any activity in the CCYFA, this is to include all football players, cheerleaders, and majorettes.,coaches, sponsors, officers, and association members. The parent or guardian who signs a child up is required to read and sign the CODE OF CONDUCT form. If you refuse to sign the CODE OF CONDUCT form that child will be unable to participate with the CCYFA.By signing the CODE OF CONDUCT form, you will be responsible for the behaviour and actions with anyone attending games that your child participates in\, these are to include aunts, uncles, mom, dads, grandparents, brothers, sisters etc.
B) ALL coaches ,sponsors, officers, and association members will abide by a code of conduct, which includes the following provisions. If any of these rules are broken, the county board shall have the authority to impose a penaly. The above mentioned shall:

1) Not smoke and/or use smokeless tobacco on the field.

2) Not criticize players/cheerleaders/majorettes in front of spectators, but reserve constructive criticism for later, in private.

3) Accept decisions of the game officials and judges on the field and in competitions as being fair and called to the best ability of said officials.

4) Not criticize an opposing team, its members, coaches, or fans by word of mouth or gestures.

5) Emphasize that good athletes strive to be good students and that both are physically and mentally alert.

6) Emphasize that winning is the result of good “teamwork”.

7) Together with team officials, be jointly responsible for the conduct and control of team fans and spectators. Any fan who becomes a nuisance and out of control will be asked to leave.

8) Not use abusive or profane language at any time.

9) Not “pile it on”. Not encourage their team to get a commanding lead and raise the score s high as it can.

10) Not permit ineligible players/cheerleaders/majorettes to participate in any game.

11) Not deliberately incite unsportsmanlike like conduct.

12) Abstain from the possession and drinking of alcoholic beverages and the possession or use of illegal substance on both practice and game fields.

13) Shall remove from practice or a game any participant when even slightly in doubt about his/her health, whether or not as a result of injury, until competent medical advice is available.

14) Control their fans, remember as a team coach, you are responsible for your team, and fan reaction will usually be in step with your reaction.

15) Not coach/sponsor or be an officer in any other association /organization while being coach/sponsor/officer in the CCYFA. Not to include high school organizations.

16) Inappropriate behavior or comments on the website will not be tolerated. The guilty member will be banned from all ccyfa activities for one year from the date the incident occurs.

Article XVII – Protest
Section 1
A) If an association wants to make a protest, the association must file a protest form with the county executive board along with the protest fee of $500.00. The protest will be investigated by a county board committee of at least three president and 2 executive board members. If protest is found to be legitimate then the fee will be returned, otherwise the fee will go into the county association account.

B) If any means other than going through the executive board is used in regards to protest (i.e. calling schools, teachers, or parents of opposing associations) it could results in disciplinary action against the individual responsible and/or the association they are from.

C) All game related protest must be turned in within 48 hours from the time of infraction.

Article XVII – Violation of Rules
Section 1
A) Any team playing an ineligible player (any player not approved by the county board) will be punished in the following manner:

1) Guilty association will be fined $1,000.00 to be paid to the county board within two weeks of infraction or be banned permanently from participating in the Cullman County Youth Football Association. Guilt will be determined by a majority vote from county board.

2) Head coach of guilty team will be banned from coaching for a one year period from the date of infraction if the board deems them guilty.

3) Association Presidents will be banned as President for remainder of season, and as an officer for a one year period, if the board deems them guilty.

B) Any coach that is found guilty of running up the score may be put on probation at a minimum, suspension if it was intentional, and dismissal in the case of a second offense.

C) If a coach/sponsor/officer etc… is found to have caused endangerment to a child, they shall be suspended for a one year period for first offense and suspended permanently for repeat offenses.

D) A coach that is found to be guilty of teaching prohibited offensive and defensive techniques shall be suspended for a one year period for first offense and suspended permanently for repeat offenses.

E) If an association member/fan/coach/sponsor/officer is found to be guilty of fighting they shall be banned for a one year period and suspended permanently for repeat offenses.

F) If anyone is found guilty of cheating they shall be suspended for a one year period for first offense and suspended permanently for repeat offense. The team may also have to forfeit game.

G) No profanity shall be allowed by coaches, sponsors, officers, association member, spectators or referees. If found to be guilty this will be a $100.00 fine to that association and possible probation/suspension for guilty party to be determined by the county board.

H) All fines will be due within two weeks of infraction and is to be paid to the county executive board.

I) Any suspension of a coach/sponsor/officer will be enforced during the next scheduled game including playoffs if suspended for a period of one game. If infraction occurs on last game of season, suspension will carry over in to the next season.

J) If you have been convicted of a felony or a crime against a child – whether a misdemeanor or felony, you will be ineligible to coach, sponsor, or be an officer of any association in the Cullman County Youth Football Association.
Any infraction of any kind may be brought before the county board where determination of guilt will be decided by a majority vote. Punishment will then be determined if not already stated in these by-laws. The county executive board has the authorization to increase punishments when deemed necessary.

Article XIX – Play-offs
Section 1
A) The names of the association that have not previously hosted a play-off will be placed in a container and a play-off host will be drawn out. After all associations have hosted the play-offs, all names will be included again.

B) Location of play-offs will be drawn at the first meeting with the new Presidents and the association drawn has until the first meeting in August to secure an appropriate field. This field will be voted on by the County board.
Host associations:

2005 Hanceville
2006 Holly Pond
2007 Cold Springs
2008 West Point

Section 2
The CCYFA Play-offs will be conducted as follows:
Teams going to the play-offs will be the top two teams from each division to be determined by divisional records. If two teams are tied in the league, Alabama Association rules will be followed, the winner of the head to head competition will be the champion. Point spread will not be a determining factor in this outcome. If three teams are tied in the league, we will follow ASHAA rules to determine who will go to play-offs.

A) The first place from the east division will play the second place from the west division and the first place from the west division will play the second place from the east division. The winners of these games will play for the championship and the other two teams will play for 3rd place the following week. The host team is always the home team, if host team is not in play-offs then 1st place team will be home team.

B) Host teams are responsible for getting announcers, emergency personnel, and handling concessions.

C) The CCYFA will provide one official to carry the down marker during play-off games and each association participating will be responsible for providing one person to carry the chains.

D) All Presidents will work the gate equally during the play-offs with a county officer. If the President is not able to be there they are responsible for having another one of their officers there to work.

E) The money from the gate will be donated back to the County Association after all fees are paid out (i.e.…trophies, officials, etc.)

F) Play-off trophies will be presented by the CCYFA at the final championship game.

G) The Kaleb Mewborn good sportsmanship trophies will be voted on by the association presidents and presented at the county banquet along with the season trophies.

H) All teams must play each player at least 1 play in the play-off and championship games.

I) There will be a county championship trophy with a runner-up.

Article XX – Special Events
At any special event, each association president will be required to help work that event; this time will be shared equally between associations. If the president is unable to attend the event then they are responsible to have one of their association officers present to take their place. Failure to do so will result in a fine of $500.00 to be paid to the county association.

Article XXI – Divisions
The Cullman County Youth Football Association will be divided into East and West divisions as follows:

East: Fairview, Holly Pond, Parkside, Hanceville, and Bearcats
West: West Point, Good Hope, Vinemont, Cold Springs, and Cyclones

You will play each team in your division plus one team from the opposing division. You will play the same teams for two consecutive seasons alternating home teams.

Article XXII – Cheer and Twirl
**Cheer/Twirl competition rules and regulations will be determined at a later date.
A) Each division will award a grand champion and 1st runner-up.

**Cheer-off Host associations:
2005 Cullman Bearcats
2006 Cold Springs
2007 Vinemont
2008 West Point
2009 Hanceville

Revised: January 2009